Drop In Service
Drop In Service for Adults in South Oxfordshire
Are you feeling sad, lonely or stressed, or perhaps not quite sure what is the matter? Would you like to talk to someone about this? We can offer up to three 30-minute conversations to talk things over with a qualified counsellor. There is no obligation to commit to ongoing counselling and there is no charge for this service.
Drop Ins in Berinsfield
We are continuing to offer a telephone service for Health Centre users
Berinsfield Health Centre telephone drop-in: Free sessions are available on the first three Wednesdays of each month between 2pm – 3:30pm where a qualified counsellor will call you. Please book through your GP or reception at the Health Centre.
The Berin Centre drop-in
The Berin Centre drop in runs on every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 1.30pm – 3pm. To book a free 30-minute session, please email Paula at:
These telephone sessions are anonymous and confidential. Our counsellor will call you from a withheld number and the conversation will not be recorded. We currently have a drop in Service for Adults and Young People. Please click here for the Young Peoples’ Drop in Service.
*Please note that Riverside Counselling Service is not an emergency service.
If your need is urgent, please call your GP, dial 111 or contact the emergency services at 999.
The contact number for the Samaritans is: 116 123*